naturally dyed Easter eggs

For as long as I can remember we have always dyed our Easter eggs naturally with the help of herbs and onion skins.

This was always one of my Easter highlights besides looking for the chocolate bunnies and eggs.

Firstly we would go outside to the nearby forest (or if we were very lazy just to our garden). There we were looking out for the most beautiful herbs and flowers.

As Easter is approaching very soon, I'd like to give you some tips and tricks on how to naturally dye your own eggs.

Here is all you need:

- 40-50 g onionskins
- 2-3 litre of water
- 1 EL  of vinegar
- some fresh herbs and flowers
- as many eggs as you want
- one piece of stockings for each egg
- some yarns

Boil the skin with the water for at least 30 minutes. The longer you boild it the stronger the color gets. Put the fresh herbs on your eggs and put the pieces of stockings thightly around it. Close the ends with the yarn in a way that the herbs can't move anymore. Then add the vinegar and boil your eggs for as long as you usual do. Remove the yarn, stockings and herbs and let the eggs dry. You can reuse your brew several times. And boil as many eggs as you want.


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